7th Annual Sports Day

Dear Parent,

We are pleased to inform you that the 7th Annual Sports Day is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 1st February 2017.

Kindly note the following:

  • The venue is : – Priyadarshini Park, Napean Sea Road, Malabar Hill, Mumbai 400036

  • Time : The Sports Meet will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm..

  • Students of Grades 3 to 10 are required to report to the Sports Ground at 8:30 am. sharp to their respective class teachers,dressed in the PE attire (shorts and not track pants) along with the school shoes and socks.

  • Students of grades 1 and 2 will come dressed in the PE track pant, paired with the specific T-shirt given to the students, along with the school shoes and socks. ( Reporting time 8:30 am )

  • The students who are participating in the martial arts display will hand over their ironed  karate attire to their respective class teachers on Wednesday, 25th January.

  • Students of the Pre-primary section (Nursery, Jr. & Sr. Kg) are required to report to the Sports Ground at 9:00 am. sharp, to their respective class teachers, dressed in the  uniform track pant paired with the specific T-shirt given to the students, along with the school shoes and socks.

  • The students from the playgroup will come dressed in their school uniform accompanied by their mothers and report to the class teacher at 9.15 am.

  • Snacks will be served to the students. They should carry a labelled water bottle.

  • The school will not be responsible for loss of any belonging of the students. Students must refrain from wearing jewellery / watches on the field.

  • For security reasons, kindly carry your invite for entry to the Priyadarshini Park.

  • Parents are requested to be seated in the Parent’s enclosure by 9:15 am. The programme will begin at 9:30 a.m. sharp.

  • The students will be handed over to parents only after the entire event is over.

  • Please do not get up from your seat for clicking photos as it disturbs the event. The school has professional photographers to cover the event.

  • School buses will not ply on this day.

  • Parents are requested to wear comfortable clothes and footwear in order to participate in an event planned specially for them.

  • The formal invitation for the Sports Meet has been attached.

  • The Parent’s Visiting Day scheduled for 4th February will now be held on Saturday 18th March. Kindly make note of this change.

Thank you for your whole-hearted cooperation and support.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Republic Day Celebration

Dear Parents,

India’s declaration to be a Republic and a Secular state on 26th January, has been a day to remember and commemorate because these are the qualities that make India special and we Indians proud.

Republic Day will be celebrated in school on 26th January, 2017.  Students from Grades V to IX must report to school dressed neatly in their school uniforms.

To make the celebrations extra special, a Cooking Competition (Without Fire) will be held on this day for the students of Grades V and VI. The theme for the competition is Tri-coloured food. Students should carry all the ingredients they need with them. They will have 45 minutes to create something spectacular and delicious.The criteria for judgement will be presentation, creativity and of course,taste!
The students of Grades VII – IX will embark upon a Quest down memory lane, wherein all the clues will be based on the Indian Republic and The Constitution. So the students need to brush up their knowledge and get ready to be explorers!

Please Note:

  • The bus service will not be available on that day, so you are requested to drop and pick up your ward from school.

  • Snacks will be provided.

  • The timings for the day will be 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.

Grades I to IV will celebrate Republic Day on Wednesday, 25th January, and they can enjoy the national festival at home on the 26th as there will be no school for them on that day.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Parenting Tips

Parenting plays an integral role in the development of a child.  Research has revealed that correct parenting influences social, cognitive and psychological growth which affects children both in childhood years and as an adult. Here are some parenting tips which will help in forging a great bond with your children.

Be an Example for your own kids. Your children will become who you are; so be who you want them to be.

Put yourself in their Shoes. If you feel irritated by your child’s behavior, put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Haven’t you too as a child, also acted in the similar manner sometimes?

Give Attention. When spending quality time with your kids, avoid getting distracted by other things such as Read More

21 Day Kindness Challenge

Dear Parent,

The school has initiated a “21 Day Kindness Challenge”.For the kindness challenge month, children will have to follow one act of kindness everyday.

The school will decide the act of kindness and it will be conveyed to the children on a regular basis. The goal is to teach the children to be kind to everyone around them and eventually make it a habit.

Kindly encourage your child to exercise the habit inculcated during the Kindness Challenge Month.A little spark of kindness can add sunshine to someone’s day.Let’s start this New Year with a small step of bringing a positive change in our lives.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Classroom Connections – Playgroup

Playgroup – January 2017

Theme for the month: The Sky Above us and Beyond

When seen through the eyes of an inquisitive child the world appears to be divided into 3 parts: the land, water and the sky above us.

The sky is really beyond reach and truly a mystery. Every child dreams of flying with the birds in the vast expanse of the sky.

Thus this unit will help your child to identify commonly seen birds with certain characteristics along with their habitat and food habits. Your child will also associate certain adjectives with these particular birds.

Effective usage of Role plays, Audio Visual learning and technology will be the methodology used.


Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww and picture vocabulary   related to the theme. Along with this, various activities like book browsing, picture talk, rhymes and stories will be done on a regular basis.


There will be a progression in numerals, concepts of colours and shapes.

Dates to Remember:

Date Events/Activity Particulars
4.1.17 Crow activity Students to bring an empty tooth paste box.
19.1.17 Soup day Class activity.
23.1.17 Handwriting day Class activity.
25.1.17 Republic day Students to wear tri coloured clothes.
31.1.17 Rehearsal for sports day Detailed circular to follow.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Explore books related to the theme. By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.

Do make your child share his/her reflections of the stories read. This will develop thinking, reasoning as well as aid in confidence building. Please encourage him/her for every effort made- he/she will do better in a motivating and positive environment.

To enhance your child’s learning experience; you can take them to a bird sanctuary, on a nature walk and feed the birds.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:

Birds and the sounds

Learn Bird Train

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations.


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Classroom Connections – Nursery

Nursery – January 2017

Theme for the month:Our Feathered Friends (Birds) 

While exploring and understanding the land and water still seems like a possibility, what intrigues the young mind is the sky. It is a dream to fly across this open space. What makes these birds special, how they fly across such vast spans, how is it that some fly higher than the rest. These are some of the thoughts that cross each young mind.

Thus, through this theme your child will gain an insight about common birds, their physical features and description, life span, habitat, food, young ones etc.

 Effective usage of Role plays, Audio Visual learning and technology will be the methodology used.Rhymes, songs, stories, games and creative work will ensure that your child learns concepts in a child friendly way. Related worksheets will enable reinforcement of concepts done through the month making it an enriching experience!


Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters ‘Ss’, ‘Tt’, ‘Uu’, and sight words related to the theme. Along with these various activities like show and tell, nature talk, rhymes and stories will be done on a regular basis.


There will be a progression in numerals, concepts of colours and shapes.

Dates to Remember:

Date Activity/Event


12.1.17 Black and white day Students to wear Black and White coloured clothes and carry a well labeled black and white object for show and tell activity.
17.1.17 Field trip to the zoo (Bird Section) Detailed circular to follow.
19.1.17 Soup day Class activity.
20.1.17 Being a beautiful bird day Students to come dressed up as any bird of their choice.
23.1.17 Handwriting day Class activity.
25.1.17 Republic day Students to wear tri coloured clothes.
31.1.17 Rehearsal for sports day Detailed circular to follow.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Explore books related to the theme.By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master learning effectively. Do make your child share his/her reflections of the stories read. This will develop thinking, reasoning skills as well as aid in confidence building. Please encourage your children, for every effort made. They will do better in a motivating and positive environment.

To enhance your child’s learning experience; you could take the child to a bird sanctuary, on a nature walk and feed the birds.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:

Learn All about Birds

Various Birds on Earth

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Classroom Connections – Jr.Kg

Jr. Kg – January 2017

Theme for the month: The Sky above us and beyond

Young children are fascinated and curious about the wonders of the universe. At this age, the sky is a magical place full of twinkling stars that children dream of visiting. Since children soak up information like sponges, this is the right age to introduce the sky and space to them.

This theme will help your child to explore basic facts about the sun, moon, stars and also about different planets that exist apart from planet earth. He/She will also become aware of the different species of birds and explore the concepts – shadows and reflection.

Effective usage of Audio Visual Learning, hands on experiences, technology and Role plays will be the methodology used.


Your child will learn letters ‘Yy’, ‘Xx’ and ‘Qq’ with their phonic sounds, how to blend and read 3 letter words and learn tricky words: of, buy, so, have. Along with these, various activities like rhymes and stories, show and tell, picture talk, book browsing and newspaper reading will be done on regular basis.

Do reinforce the use of tricky words: you, your, all


There will be a progression in numerals, concepts of colours and shapes.

Dates to Remember:

Date Events/Activity Particulars
12.1.17 Black and white day Students to wear Black and White coloured clothes and carry a well labeled black and white object for show and tell activity.
17.1.17 Field trip to the zoo Detailed circular to follow.
19.1.17 Soup day Class activity
23.1.17 Handwriting day Class activity
25.1.17 Republic day Students are required to dress up as and speak 4-5 sentences on a famous Indian personality (e.g. sports person, leader, singer, dancer etc.)
31.1.17 Rehearsal for sports day Detailed circular to follow.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Explore books related to the theme. By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.Do make your child share his/ her reflections of the stories read. This will develop thinking, reasoning as well as aid in confidence building. Please encourage your child for every effort made – he/she will do better in a motivating and positive environment.

 Enhance their learning experience by taking them for a nature walk. A visit to a planetarium or bird sanctuary is also recommended. You can also do activities like Star gazing and make a bird feeder to attract the birds.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:

How do the birds fly?

Which Bird is it?

Days and Nights

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Classroom Connections – Sr.Kg

Sr. Kg – January 2017

Theme for the monthOur Feathered friends (birds)

Children are curious about the world around them and enjoy exploring their surroundings. Because of their inquisitive temperament, they are eager to know why things are the way they are and ask many questions about their immediate environment. Childhood is the right time to encourage and nurture early interest in nature.

Thus by incorporating the topic ‘Our Feathered friends (birds)’ into the curriculum, your child will find answers to many questions. He/She will also learn about the specific birds in detail and will gain an insight about each bird.

The intent is to inculcate in your child an interest for the diversity and beauty of the natural surroundings and understand the importance of the inter dependence of living things.

 Effective usage of Role plays, Audio Visual learning and technology will be the methodology used.


Introduction to digraphs ‘o_e’, ‘u_e’ and the revision of tricky words: two, four, goes, made, their, does.

To reinforce the use of new vocabulary, usage of the following words will be encouraged: walk, stroll, build, construct, tell, narrate, recite, chant and sing.


The child will learn numerals from 1-80 with number names fifteen, sixteen and seventeen. We shall also do concepts related to comparing sizes, money and shades of black and white.

Science experiment:Your child will learn about the properties of air.

Dates to Remember:

Date Events/Activity Particulars
12.1.17 Black and white day Students to wear Black and White coloured clothes and carry a well labeled black and white object for show and tell activity.
17.1.17 Field trip to the zoo (Bird Section) Detailed circular to follow.
19.1.17 Soup day Class activity
23.1.17 Handwriting day Class activity
25.1.17 Republic day Students are required to dress up as and speak 4-5 sentences on a famous Indian personality (e.g. sports person, leader, singer, dancer etc.)
31.1.17 Rehearsal for sports day Detailed circular to follow.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Explore books related to the theme and take your child to bird sanctuaries, on nature walks and experience the chirping of birds. You can also make a bird feeder to attract birds.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:

What causes shadow ?

Birds of paradise

Why do we have Shadows?

Amazing Facts about Birds

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Family Meal

Gone are the days when the family meal was an everyday ritual – the symbol of shared family life. Lack of time, work demands, busy social lives, scheduled activities of the children and moreover increased opportunities for eating away from home are among the factors militating against the practice of family meals.

Family life often comes with a busy schedule. It isn’t always easy to put a meal on the table and get the whole family to sit down together to enjoy it; but Read More

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