Annual Day Rehearsal

Dear Parents,

The 10th Annual Day celebrations of the school will be held at Sophia Bhabha Auditorium, Breach Candy on Sunday, 22nd December, 2019 at 11:00 a.m.

The grand rehearsal will take place at the Sophia Bhabha Auditorium on Saturday, 21st December, 2019.

Event Details

Day – Date

Drop time

(At auditorium)

Dispersal Time

(From auditorium)

Grand Rehearsal

Saturday, 21st December

8:30 am

11:00 am


Students should be dressed in their P.E. attire and carry their I.D. cards and water bottle on the day of the rehearsal. Snacks will be given.

Please note: Parents are requested to arrange for the drop and dispersal of the students on the day of the rehearsal from the auditorium only.


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