6th Annual Sports Meet

Dear Parent,
We are pleased to inform you that the 6th Annual Sports Meet is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 23rd December 2015.

Kindly note the following:

  • The venue is : – Priyadarshini Park, Napean Sea Road, Malabar Hill, Mumbai 400036

  • Time : The Sports Meet will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

  • Students of Grades 1 to 9 are required to report to the Sports Ground at 8:30 am. sharp to their respective class teachers  dressed in the PE track pant paired with the specific T-shirt given to the students along with the school shoes and socks.

  • Students of the Pre-primary section (Nursery, Jr. & Sr. Kg) are required to report to the Sports Ground at 9:00 am. sharp, to their respective class teachers dressed in the PE track pant paired with the specific T-shirt given to the students along with the school shoes and socks.

  • Kindly do not iron the t-shirts given.

  • Snacks will be served to the students. They may carry a labeled water bottle.

  • The school will not be responsible for loss of any belonging of the students. Students must refrain from wearing jewellery / watches on the field.  

  • For security reasons, kindly carry your Parent ID Card for entry to the Priyadarshini Park.

  • Parents are requested to be seated in the Parent’s enclosure by 9:15 am. The programme will begin at 9:30 a.m. sharp.

  • The students will be handed over to parents only after the entire event is over.

  • Please do not get up from your seat for clicking photos as it disturbs the event. The school has professional photographers to cover the event.

  • School buses will not ply on this day.

  • Parents are requested to wear comfortable clothes and footwear in order to participate in an event planned specially for them.

  • A formal invitation for the Sports Meet will be sent to you shortly.

Kindly be informed that parents attending the 6th Annual Sports Meet must compulsorily be seated till the National Anthem is played to mark the closing of the Annual Sports Meet. A gentle reminder that no child will be allowed to leave the ground before the closing ceremony.

Thank you for your whole-hearted cooperation and support.


Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Pre Primary to grade 9 – Sports Day Practice

Dear Parent,
The grand rehearsal for the 6th Annual Sports Meet is scheduled on Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The students will be going to the PDP grounds during this time. Snacks will be given to the students. The students will come dressed in the PE uniform and carry their water bottles.

Reporting time – 1:00 p.m. (At school)

Dispersal time –  5:00 p.m. (From school)

Buses will ply accordingly.


Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Grades 1 to 9 – Sports Day Practice

Dear Parent,

The 6th Annual Sports Day is just a few days away and hence the students will have sports day practice on Saturday, 19th December 2015 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The students will be going to the PDP grounds during this time. Snacks will be given to the students. The students will come dressed in the PE uniform and carry their water bottles.

Reporting time – 7:00 a.m. (At school)

Dispersal time – 11:00 a.m. (From school)

Buses will ply accordingly.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Grades 1 to 9 – Sports Day Practice

Dear Parent,

The 6th Annual Sports Day is just a few days away and hence the students will have sports day practice on Saturday, 19th December 2015 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The students will be going to the PDP grounds during this time. Snacks will be given to the students. The students will come dressed in the PE uniform and carry their water bottles.

Reporting time – 7:00 a.m. (At school)

Dispersal time – 11:00 a.m. (From school)

Buses will ply accordingly.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Lighter School Bags

Dear Parents,

We at Universal have always strived to reduce the burden of heavy school bags. In our endeavour towards this cause,our students have been assigned lockers at school so that they need not carry home textbooks and stationery used daily at school. Also the time table evenly distributes the curricular and cocurricular subjects to reduce the number of note books the students have to carry to school everyday.

We solicit your cooperation for the same to ensure that the students are not burdened with heavy bags and come to school with light bags for a stress free day.


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel


Lighter School Bags

Dear Parents,

We at Universal have always strived to reduce the burden of heavy school bags. In our endeavour towards this cause,our students have been assigned lockers at school so that they need not carry home textbooks and stationery used daily at school. Also the time table evenly distributes the curricular and cocurricular subjects to reduce the number of note books the students have to carry to school everyday.

We solicit your cooperation for the same to ensure that the students are not burdened with heavy bags and come to school with light bags for a stress free day.


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel


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