Parent Teacher Meeting – Pre-Primary Section

Parent Teacher Meeting – Pre-Primary Section 

Dear Parents,

To review your ward’s progress  in the first term, a Parent Teacher Meeting will be held on Saturday 7th November 2015. On this day, we welcome you to interact with the teachers. The instructors for all the co-curricular activities will also be present to meet with you. Scholastic India will be conducting a book fair.

The schedule and time slots are as follows:-



Roll Numbers




Jr. Kg

Sr. Kg







1 – 5

 6 – 10

 11 – 15

 9:00 am –  9:45 am

9:45 am – 10:30 am

10:30 am -11:15 am

The students should accompany their parents to school in the school uniform. We request you to kindly adhere to the time schedule to facilitate smooth functioning during the PTM.

Parents are requested to carry their school ID Cards to gain access into the school premises.

Our Best,


Authorized Personnel

Parent Teacher Meeting – Grades 1 to 10

Parent Teacher Meeting – Grades 1 to 10

Dear Parents,

To review your ward’s progress and performance in the first term, a Parent Teacher Meeting will be held on Saturday 7th November 2015. On this day, we welcome you to interact with the teachers. The instructors for all the co-curricular activities will also be present to meet with you. Scholastic India will  be conducting a book fair.

The schedule and time slots are as follows:-



Roll Numbers




Grades 1 to 10





1 – 5

6 – 10

11 – 15

16 – 20

21 – 25

26 – 30

9:00 am –  9:30 am

9:30 am – 10:00 am

10:00 am -10:30 am

10:30 am -11:00 am

11:00 am -11:30 am

11:30 am -12:00 noon

The students should accompany their parents to school in the school uniform. We request you to kindly adhere to the time schedule to facilitate smooth functioning during the PTM.

Parents are requested to carry their school ID Cards to gain access into the school premises.


Our Best,


Authorized Personnel

Elders’ Day Celebration

Elders’ Day Celebration

Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent ~Donald A. Norberg          

Dear Parents,

To strengthen the bond between a grandparent and a grandchild, we are celebrating ‘Elders’ Day’ on Friday, 30th October, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Jr.Kg. and Nursery) and 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. (Sr.Kg.). The children and staff of The Universal School invite all the wonderful grandparents to join us in the celebrations. It’s a day of fun, where there will be lots of special activities revolving around the theme of the day, ‘HEALTH’.

Note: The hard copy of this circular has been given to your ward. Kindly fill in the tear off and submit it to the school


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Elders’ Day Celebration (Gr 1 & 2)

Elders’ Day Celebration

Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent ~Donald A. Norberg          

Dear Parents,

To strengthen the bond between a grandparent and a grandchild, we are celebrating ‘Elders’ Day’ on Friday, 30th October 2015 from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. (Grade 2) and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Grade 1).  The children and staff of The Universal School invite all the wonderful grandparents to join us in the celebrations. It’s a day of fun, where there will be lots of special activities revolving around the theme of the day, ‘HEALTH’.

Note: The hard copy of this circular has been given to your ward. Kindly fill in the tear off and submit it to the school


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel





Elders’ Day Celebration (Gr 1 & 2)

Elders’ Day Celebration

Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent ~Donald A. Norberg          

Dear Parents,

To strengthen the bond between a grandparent and a grandchild, we are celebrating ‘Elders’ Day’ on Friday, 30th October 2015 from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. (Grade 2) and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Grade 1).  The children and staff of The Universal School invite all the wonderful grandparents to join us in the celebrations. It’s a day of fun, where there will be lots of special activities revolving around the theme of the day, ‘HEALTH’.

Note: The hard copy of this circular has been given to your ward. Kindly fill in the tear off and submit it to the school


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel





Celebrating Dr. A . P . J. Kalam     

Celebrating Dr. A . P . J. Kalam       

Dear Parents,

The people’s President Dr. A. P. J. Kalam is one of the most revered presidents of India and to celebrate his life, on his birthday, Thursday, 15th October, the students from Nursery to Grade 8 will have a “No Bag Day”. Also known as the Reading Day, the students will be encouraged to read fiction books, other than those in the curriculum and will be engaged in various interesting literary activities, such as book discussions, talks about renowned authors, watching classics and interacting with writers, all during the course of the day.

So, kindly ensure that your ward is present in school, without his/her bag to celebrate the life and works of Dr. Kalam.


Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Celebrating Dr. A . P . J. Kalam     

Celebrating Dr. A . P . J. Kalam       

Dear Parents,

The people’s President Dr. A. P. J. Kalam is one of the most revered presidents of India and to celebrate his life, on his birthday, Thursday, 15th October, the students from Nursery to Grade 8 will have a “No Bag Day”. Also known as the Reading Day, the students will be encouraged to read fiction books, other than those in the curriculum and will be engaged in various interesting literary activities, such as book discussions, talks about renowned authors, watching classics and interacting with writers, all during the course of the day.

So, kindly ensure that your ward is present in school, without his/her bag to celebrate the life and works of Dr. Kalam.


Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

Curriculum Express for the Month of October 2015 – Nursery

Nursery October Going Green_Page_1 Nursery October Going Green_Page_2

Curriculum Express for the Month of October 2015 – Jr.Kg

Jr.Kg  October   2015 Going green_Page_1 Jr.Kg  October   2015 Going green_Page_2

Curriculum Express for the Month of October 2015 – Sr.Kg

Sr.Kg  October   2015 Going green_Page_1 Sr.Kg  October   2015 Going green_Page_2

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