Poetry For Pleasure

Dear Parents,

In our continuous endeavour to improve the spoken English of our students, we are delighted to introduce ‘Poetry For Pleasure.’
Choral plus individual recitation will help to improve the students’ diction and pronunciation enhancing their vocabulary as well.
For this purpose, we have compiled a bank of grade appropriate poems. The teacher will introduce a poem and the poet to the class at regular intervals.
The poems are mainly for recitation, not critical appreciation or comprehension. Therefore these will not be assessed in the written examinations.
These poems will be uploaded on the intra-site shortly, so extend the pleasure of these poems to you.

Literary Week – Grades 1 to 10

Dear Parents,

The much awaited event of the year is round the corner. The Literary Week, from 16th to 20th July, is that time of the year when students can take part and showcase their literary talents.

Competitions and events are specially designed to bring out the students’ latent inspirations and capabilities.

Given below is the events scheduled for the week:


Date / Day






Book Buffet

Using the template given, the students have to review a book of their choice.




Book Buffet

The students should review a book of their choice. The review should include:

the description of the protagonist

few lines from the book that are most interesting and explain why

summary of the story.

Judging criteria – Grade appropriate vocabulary, Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation, Overall impact.




Poetry Slam

A poetry recitation competition in English. Approximately 1 to 2 minutes. The students can prepare a poem of a poet that they select from the list given below.

Judging criteria – Diction, Pronunciation, Clarity, Voice modulation and Overall impact.




Speak-Up (English)

Speak-Up (Hindi)

An elocution competition in English. The students should speak for 2-3 mins on any one topic from the list given below.

An elocution competition in Hindi. The students should speak for 2-3 mins on any one topic from the list given below.

Judging criteria – Diction, Pronunciation, Clarity, Voice modulation, Content and Overall impact.







Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales

A competition where the students have to write a 100 word story based on the criteria given.

A competition where the students have to write a 50 word story based on the criteria given.

Judging criteria – Creativity, Imagery, Title, Punctuation and Meeting the criteria




Short and Sweet

A competition where the students will be given 2 topics on the spot to compose Haikus.

Judging criteria – Correct number of syllables used, Title, Creativity, Imagery.

Attached – List of poets, Speak-Up topics)

List of Poets


(Grades 1-4)


(Grades 5 to 10)

Roald Dahl

Robert Frost

Ken Nesbitt

Maya Angelou

Edward Lear

Sarojini Naidu

R. L. Stevenson

Thomas Hardy

Emily Dickson

Rabindranath Tagore

Chirstina Rosetti

William Wordsworth

A. A. Milne

William Shakespeare

Walter de la Mare

Ted Hughes

Quentin Blake

Gwendolyn Brooks

Dr. Seuss

Sarah Kay

List of Topics for Speak-Up (English)



3 – 4

Let’s preserve mother earth.

My sporting hero.

If I had a superpower…

5 – 6

Kindness is contagious.

Pitch the plastic.

A letter to a bully.

7 – 8

If conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will be right.

How do we ensure safe drinking water for every Indian?

How can you lead a stress free life?

9 – 10

Behtar India.

Gaming Can Be Addictive.

Teenage Angst About Body Image.

List of Topics for Speak-Up (Hindi)



3 – 4

मित्र की विशेषताएँ

माँ की ममता

समय का मोल

5 – 6

पेड़ हमारे मित्र

देश के बच्चे

दूसरो की मदद

7 – 8

स्वच्छता अभियान

फुटबॉल फीवर

सकारात्मक सोच

9 – 10

बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ

आज की नारी सब पर भारी

यंत्रो का महत्व

वीडियो गेम – नशा या सजा

We hope that you will encourage your ward to participate in the Literary week activities and events with great enthusiasm.

Skill Conclave at The Universal School, Ghatkopar

Dear Parent,

The Universal School, Ghatkopar is hosting the ‘Skill Conclave’. Kindly go through the details below and  register for the same. Registrations are open.

Skill Conclave flow (click here)

IBDP Scholarship Scheme 2018-20

Dear Parent,

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that The Universal School, Ghatkopar is now an IB World School, The Universal School, Ghatkopar has come up with an inspirational initiative for learners. Merit Scholarships based on Board Results are available to students joining our 2018-20 Batches for IB Diploma Programme (grades 11 and 12).

At The Universal School, The Diploma Programme will prepare the students not only for admissions in the best Indian and Overseas Universities but also provide them with a secure path to a successful future.

Please find below the details of the IBDP Scholarship Scheme, 2018-20:

(Students of Universal Group are given special considerations)


Vacation Workshops at Nehru Science Centre

Dear Parent,

Nehru Science Centre, Worli,Mumbai shall organize creative Science summer workshops for children. These workshops will be held in different batches during 23rd April – 5th June 2018 at the Nehru Science Centre.

Given below is a link, kindly go through the details and if interested you may enrol your kids for the various activities.

P.S. Registration is offline,you have to pay the fees at the centre.


IB Diploma Programme at The Universal School, Ghatkopar

Dear Parent,

​It gives us immense pleasure to announce that The Universal School, Ghatkopar is now recognised as an IB World School offering IB Diploma Programme ​(equivalent to grades 11 and 12). ​IBDP is the fastest growing and the most popular globally recognised pre-university programme opening global learning opportunities and career paths. Admissions ​​are​ now​ ​​open for students who have ​appeared ​for their Grade 10 Examinations – 2018. Students from any board (State Board/ ICSE/ CBSE/ IGCSE/MYP) are eligible to join this programme. Scholarship​ (​​upto 40%) is available​ to the deserving students.​ Admission fee (Rs.10,000) waiver for students from Universal Group of Schools.​

Career Counselling ​is an integral part of this programme. Students are guided on higher education​ pathways​ ​through workshops and​ on campus​ Indian and foreign universities​ visits​. One-on-one support is provided​​ to students for their university search,​ application process​ and university placement.​

The school’s immaculate track record, ​proficient, experienced and trained teachers, quality infrastructure and ​affordable fee structure make the IB Diploma Programme an​ exciting and​ enriching experience at The Universal School.

For online admissions, kindly log on to:


For further details contact:

The Universal School,

Tilak Road, Ghatkopar (East)

Mumbai – 77

Phone: 022 66900000/56

Email: [email protected]


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Parent Orientation for AY 2018-19 – Grades 1 to 10

Dear Parents,

As we commence the academic year 2018-19, we would like to invite you for an Orientation Programme to share ideas that will help us provide a great educational experience to our students. This forum is meant to greet and meet each other and share the roadmap ahead.

Alongside, we will be sharing details related to:

  • the curriculum

  • changes in the academic approach

  • day to day functioning of the  school.

We look forward to welcoming you all to school. We urge you to be present for the orientation so that we can work together in the best interests of the child.

Friday, 6th April 2018:

Grades 9 and 10

9:00 a.m.

Grades 7 and 8

10:30 a.m.

Grades 5 and 6

12:00 noon

Saturday, 7th April 2018:

Grades 1 and 2

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Grades 3 and 4

12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.

Kindly note that the orientations will start at the scheduled time, hence you are requested to adhere to the time slots given. Do carry your Parent ID cards to gain access into the school premises.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Parent Orientation for Preprimary – AY 2018-19

Dear Parents,

As we commence the academic year 2018-19, we would like to invite you for an Orientation Programme to share ideas that will help us provide a great educational experience to our students. This forum is meant to greet and meet each other and share the roadmap ahead.

Alongside, we will be sharing details related to:

  • the curriculum

  • changes in the academic approach

  • day to day functioning of the  school

  • an introduction to the Jolly Phonics reading and writing programme

We look forward to welcoming you all to school. We urge you to be present for the orientation so that we can work together in the best interests of the child:

Date- 7th April, 2018

Time- 8:30 am – 10:00 am

Kindly note that the orientation will start at the scheduled time, hence you are requested to be punctual. Do carry your Parent ID cards to gain access into the school premises.

Looking forward to meeting everyone,

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel


Literary Week – Grades 1 and 10

Dear Parent,

The much awaited event of the year is round the corner. The Literary Week, from 25th to 29th September, is that time of the year when students can take part and showcase their literary talents. Competitions and events are specially designed to bring out the students’ latent inspirations and capabilities.

Given below is the events scheduled for the week:


Date / Day






Book Charms

A competition where the students  have to create charming bookmarks using only waste paper and materials. The materials and paper must be carried by the student.

Judging criteria – Neatness, Innovative use of waste materials and Overall impact.




A picture speaks a 1000 words

A competition where the students have to illustrate and design a cover for a storybook of their choice. An A4 sheet will be provided for the competition, all other materials needed must be carried by the student.

Judging criteria – Neatness, Creativity and Overall impact.




Harmonious Haikus

A competition where the students will be given 2 topics on the spot to compose Haikus.

Judging criteria – Correct number of syllables used, Title, Creativity, Imagery.




Tiny Tales

A competition where the students have to write a 50 word story based on the criteria given.

Judging criteria – Creativity, Imagery, Title, Punctuation and Meeting the criteria




What’s the Good Word?

A quiz competition to test the power of vocabulary among the students.




Hansya Kavi Samelan

The student will recite funny poems.

Judging criteria – Intonation, Diction, Clarity, Humour and Gesticulation




Vaad Vivaad

The students will participate in a debate and will speak For or Against on a given topic.

Judging criteria – Clarity, Logic, Art of persuasion, Maintaining decorum.

Grades I to IV will have a special event where they can write letters to their favourite fantasy characters. They can communicate to their favourite characters through small notes or letters and share their thoughts and feelings with them. The best letter might get a reply …


We hope that you will encourage your ward to participate in the Literary week activities and events with great enthusiasm.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel


Student Safety,A Top Priority

Dear Parent,
Please be informed that as a school our prime focus is to ensure safety and security of our students at all times. We have constituted a committee for CPP&P i.e. Child Protection Policy and Procedures. The committee comprises of all important stake holders: Principal, Admin Head, teachers, counsellor and parents including a PTA representative. The committee has initiated and adopted adequate measures to implement the POCSO Act, 2012. Our staff members are sensitised on the issue and they have undertaken in writing to abide by the provisions of the Act.

Along with the above, we have also constituted and made operational:
1. Transport Committee and
2. Canteen Committee
with similar membership format to ensure smooth functioning in these areas to ensure health, safety and security of our students. All committees will hold regular meetings for the effective implementation of the policies and SOPs.

We appreciate your faith in our systems and operations. Looking forward to your constant support and cooperation.


Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

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