Elocution Competition

Poetry Recitation Competition – Grades I to IV
 “Talking and Eloquence are not the same: A fool may talk but a wise man speaks”   

Dear Parents,

The importance of public speaking and elocution cannot be stressed upon enough. These two 21st century skills are needed for our students to progress and make a mark for themselves in the world outside.

To harness these skills, the school has organised a Poetry Recitation Competition – Hear Me Out! for Grades 1 to 4 on Monday, 19th October, 2015. The theme for the competition is ‘Humour’; the students can recite any poem of their choice that is humorous. (Grades 1 & 2 – Minimum 8 lines;  Grades 3 & 4 – Minimum 12 lines)

So do encourage your wards and help them to become young orators of tomorrow.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Art Competition – Grades I to IX

Art Competition – Grades I to IX
Creativity is Intelligence having Fun” – Albert Einstein  

Dear Parents,

Creativity is a virtue to be harnessed in every child and what a better way to get the students to think out of the box than to engage them in activities that are not only fun but also innovative.




1 to 4

Balloon Blast

Tuesday, 29th September 2015

Give life to balloons and turn them into animals, monsters, cartoon characters or anything you wish.

Materials to be brought from home

5 to 9

Club’s Honour

Wednesday, 14th October 2015

An inter-club group activity, where club members have to design a poster that best represents their club

Note: The art stationery in school can be used, any additional materials needed should be carried from home.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

Visit to NCPA – Symphony of India Children’s Concert

Visit to NCPA – Symphony of India Children’s Concert        

Dear Parents,

The Symphony Orchestra of India (SOI) is back for its 19th Season! with a special concert for children. The concert will include a performance of a musical piece, a fun introduction to all the instruments and the different sections of the orchestra and also a special interaction with the musicians.
The concert details are as follows:

Date:         5th October (Monday)

Time:        11:30 am  to 12:30 pm

Venue:      Jamshed Bhabha Theatre, NCPA

Program:   Mikhail Glinka’s Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture

The students from grades 3&4 will visit NCPA during school hours, dressed in complete school uniform.

Note: The hard copy of this circular has been given to your ward. Kindly fill in the tear off and submit it to the school.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

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