Classroom Connections – Jr.Kg

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7 Nov 2016

Jr. Kg – October and November 2016

Theme for the month: Going Green

Have you ever taken your child for a nature walk? He/She will love to pick up, look at, explore and question about leaves, nuts, twigs, rocks – just about anything he/she finds. Thus, knowledge about plants naturally lays the groundwork for future scientific learning and understanding. Plants have an easy-to-understand life cycle. They have four basic parts – roots, stem, leaves and flowers – children of this age can easily remember and identify them.

Through this theme your child will learn about varied aspects of a plant and its growth, and will be more aware about the specific characteristics of the parts of the plant. He/She will also learn how plants need to be nurtured and how to tend a garden, to identify different gardening tools and implements and will learn the importance of water, sunlight and soil for plant growth.

Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology, art and craft and role plays will be the methodology used.


Your child will learn the letters ‘Uu’, ‘Ll’, ‘Ff’, and ‘Bb’ with their phonic sounds, how to blend and read 3 letter words and learn tricky words: to, do, are. Along with these, various activities like rhymes and stories, show and tell, picture talk, book browsing and newspaper reading will be done on a regular basis.

Do reinforce the use of tricky words: was, be, my, we.


There will be a progression in numerals, concepts of colours and shapes.

Dates to Remember:


Activity/ Event



World Smile Day

Class Activity


Joy of Giving Week

Detailed circular to follow


Elders Day

Detailed circular to follow


World Nature Day

Class Activity


Gardening Day

Students to bring daddy’s old T-shirt to wear at the time of the activity.


Brown Day

Students to wear brown coloured clothes and carry a well labeled brown object for the show and tell activity.


Diwali Celebration

Detailed circular to follow.


Children’s Day Celebration

Detailed circular to follow


ISA Activity

Detailed circular to follow


World students Day

Class Activity


Visiting Day

Parents to come in the time slots given to them


World TV Day

Class Activity


Cake Day

Class Activity


World Flag Day

Class Activity

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Read books about plant life to your child and encourage him/her to plant a sapling and water it daily.
By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.
Do make your child share his/her reflections of the stories read. This will develop thinking, reasoning as well as aid in confidence building. Please encourage him/her for every effort made- he/she will do better in a motivating and positive environment.

Real life learning experiences help children to see and explore nature so a visit to a nursery is also recommended.

Web resource Links that can help you in your venture include:

Parts of Plants

Sid the Seed

Learn more about Vegetables

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations


Our Best,


Authorized Personnel

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