Nursery Synopsis

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18 Jun 2015

What Your Child will Learn in June 2015


Dear Parents,

We invite you to take a peek into the educational world of your child. For holistic development of the child, it is essential that school and parents continuously support and work together to strengthen the child’s learning process.

When parents are aware of what the children are learning, they can help in developing their children’s learning by positive reinforcement and encouragement.

Every month we shall offer a new theme that introduces your child to various aspects of one’s environment. The language, math, art and craft curriculum will teach various concepts each month. iPod applications and audio visuals will strengthen the learning of each concept.

Theme for the month: All about me and myself

Preschoolers are naturally curious about their bodies. They enjoy learning about the parts of their bodies and how they work. Children entering preschool already possess the knowledge of the basic body parts and are ready to grasp more detailed information. Thus, the theme,
‘All about me and myself’ helps children to realize that every person is unique and special by providing an opportunity to answer the important question, Who am I?

As teaching children at a young age about taking care of their bodies can lead to lifelong healthy living habits, as parents you must inculcate good habits, help your child to celebrate the individuality and learn about their likes and dislikes.


Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters ‘Aa’, ‘Bb’, ‘Cc’ and sight words related to one’s body and family. Along with these various activities like, show and tell, picture talk, rhymes and stories will be done on a regular basis.

By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.


The child will be introduced to numerals, concepts of colour and size.

Kindly note the following schedule for the month of June 2015.

Date Activity / Event Particulars
19/6/15 Make Music Day Students to bring a well labelled musical instrument for the Show and Tell activity.
22/6/15 Portfolio Activity Students to bring a post card size (4” x 6”) landscape family photograph for class activity.
23/6/15 Yellow Day Students to wear yellow coloured clothes and bring a well labelled yellow coloured object for the Show and Tell activity.
26/6/15 We learn to be clean Day Students to bring a well labelled toothbrush, toothpaste and a napkin.
30/6/15 Family Day Students to be dressed up as any of their family member & bring dry food items from home.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class. Looking forward to an exciting month of discovery and learning.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

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Nursery Synopsis

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What Your Child will Learn in June 2015


Dear Parents,

We invite you to take a peek into the educational world of your child. For holistic development of the child, it is essential that school and parents continuously support and work together to strengthen the child’s learning process.

When parents are aware of what the children are learning, they can help in developing their children’s learning by positive reinforcement and encouragement.

Every month we shall offer a new theme that introduces your child to various aspects of one’s environment. The language, math, art and craft curriculum will teach various concepts each month. iPod applications and audio visuals will strengthen the learning of each concept.

Theme for the month: All about me and myself

Preschoolers are naturally curious about their bodies. They enjoy learning about the parts of their bodies and how they work. Children entering preschool already possess the knowledge of the basic body parts and are ready to grasp more detailed information. Thus, the theme,
‘All about me and myself’ helps children to realize that every person is unique and special by providing an opportunity to answer the important question, Who am I?

As teaching children at a young age about taking care of their bodies can lead to lifelong healthy living habits, as parents you must inculcate good habits, help your child to celebrate the individuality and learn about their likes and dislikes.


Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters ‘Aa’, ‘Bb’, ‘Cc’ and sight words related to one’s body and family. Along with these various activities like, show and tell, picture talk, rhymes and stories will be done on a regular basis.

By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.


The child will be introduced to numerals, concepts of colour and size.

Kindly note the following schedule for the month of June 2015.

Date Activity / Event Particulars
19/6/15 Make Music Day Students to bring a well labelled musical instrument for the Show and Tell activity.
22/6/15 Portfolio Activity Students to bring a post card size (4” x 6”) landscape family photograph for class activity.
23/6/15 Yellow Day Students to wear yellow coloured clothes and bring a well labelled yellow coloured object for the Show and Tell activity.
26/6/15 We learn to be clean Day Students to bring a well labelled toothbrush, toothpaste and a napkin.
30/6/15 Family Day Students to be dressed up as any of their family member & bring dry food items from home.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class. Looking forward to an exciting month of discovery and learning.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

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