Classroom Connections – Sr.Kg

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11 Aug 2016

Sr.Kg  –August  2016 

Theme for the month:Animal Kingdom

Tomorrow’s diversity depends on teaching today’s children to conserve wildlife and value and appreciate the same. Awareness of conservation begins when children are young. Thus taking, ‘Extinct and Endangered species’ as the theme for the month, your little oneswill learn about these species and also one’s role and responsibility as a global citizen. We look upon the young generation to be a part of the conservation drive and help us conserve planet Earth.

Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology and Role plays will be used as a methodology.


Introduction to digraphs and the revision of the below mentioned tricky words.

you, your, all, are, do, so, no, go, my.

Phonic books will reinforce the concepts learnt.

Do reinforce the use of new vocabulary: gobble,gulp,swallow,conversation,talk,chat



The child will learn numerals from 1 – 40 with number names three and four and five. We shall also do concepts of matching, introduction to oval shape with recapitulation of other shapes.

The concept of the Rainbow and its colours will be explained.

Dates to Remember:






Ice-cream Sandwich Day

Class activity


Independence Day

Students to wear clothes that depicit the tricolor


Raksha Bandhan Celebration

Class activity.


Janmashtmi Celebration

Students to come dressed in traditional wear.


Red Day

Students to wear red coloured clothes and bring a well labeled red object for the show and tell activity.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can: Encourage your children to watch television programmes and films on endangered species that stress the importance of conservation. The more dialogue you have with your children about wildlife conservation,the more opportunities there are for them to appreciate the importance of our diverse and fragile ecology.

You may donate a portion of the child’s allowance to a reputable conservation group.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include

Endangered species

Extinct Animals

Extinct and Endangered species

As this month is full of festival celebrations you could discuss the importance of each festival. Children will be exposed to the significance of each festival in an age appropriate manner in school.

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations.

Our Best,

Authorized Personnel



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