Annual Day Practice Schedule – Grades 1 to 9
Dear Parents,
The school’s Annual Day is the most awaited event in the school calendar. The Annual Day will be held at St. Andrew’s Auditorium, Bandra on Thursday, 25th February. For the grand rehearsal the students will be taken to the auditorium for practice on Wednesday,24th February 2016. Kindly note the practice schedule:
Reporting Time (School)
Dispersal Time (School)
8:00 am
3:15 pm
Buses will ply accordingly and snacks will be provided to the children. The students should be dressed in their P.E. Attire and carry their I.D. cards. They should carry only a water bottle and lunch with them on the day of the practice. Lunch will be provided to those availing of the school lunch facility.
On the day of the Annual Day, Thursday, 25th February, the students have to report to school at 11:30 am sharp. Buses will ply accordingly. The students will be taken to the venue from school. Students will be handed over to the parents at the venue only after the Annual Day is over.
Note: The hard copy of this circular has been given to your ward. Kindly fill in the tear off and submit it to the school
Our Best,
Authorised Personnel