Classroom Connections – Playgroup

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9 Feb 2017

Playgroup – February 2017

Theme for the month: Fun with Transport

Preschoolers have always been fascinated by the different modes of transport. This topic is a part of your child’s everyday life since he/she drives or walks to school, have will change to has seen or ridden on a bus or taken an airplane to go on a vacation.

This natural interest in transportation is something he/she experiences in his/her life, which brings life to the theme.

Effective usage of Role plays, Audio Visual learning and technology will be the methodology used.


Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters Xx, Yy, Zz and picture vocabulary related to the theme. Along with these, book browsing, picture talk, rhymes and stories will be done on a regular basis.


There will be progression in numerals, concept of colours and shapes to enhance their knowledge base in this area and for effective development of their logical and reasoning skills.

Dates to Remember:

Date Activity / Event Particulars
8.2.2017 Bird Feeding Day Detailed circular to follow
13.2.2017 World Radio Day Class activity
16.3.2017 Field trip to Traffic Park Detailed circular to follow
23.2.2017 Tortilla Chips Day Class activity
28.2.2017 National Science Day Experiments to be done in class.
3.3.2017 Transport Day Students to bring a well labelled toy vehicle for the Show and Tell activity.

A hard copy of the Rhymes for the month will be given to your child in class.

At Home You Can:

Explore books related to the theme. By reading story books and making your home a print rich space, you will improve your child’s ability to master new learning.

Do make your child share his/her reflections of the stories read. This will develop thinking, reasoning as well as aid in confidence building. Please encourage your child for every effort made they will do better in a motivating and positive environment.

To enhance your child’s learning experience; you can take them to a railway station, bus depot or airport.

Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:

We all go travelling

Transport sounds

Learn about transport

Looking forward to an eventful month of learning and celebrations.

Our Best,

Authorised Personnel

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