Annual Day

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7 Mar 2017

Dear Parents,

The students and staff of The Universal School take pleasure in inviting you to the 7th Annual Day, which includes the Prize Distribution, the Graduation Ceremony (Sr. Kg) and the Annual Day concert.The Annual Day will be held at St. Andrew’s Auditorium, Bandra on Wednesday, 8th March 2017.

  • Kindly switch off your cell phone for the entire duration of the show as the cell phone frequency interferes with the sound system.

  • Please note that seats are not reserved. Gates will open for parents at 2:15 pm and the show starts at 2:30 pm sharp. You are requested to be seated 10 minutes before the show begins.

  • Children below the age of 3 years will not be allowed in the auditorium.

  • Students from Jr. Kg. to Grade 10 must report to school at 11:30 am sharp on Wednesday, 8th March 2017, from where they will be taken to the venue. All the students should come to school dressed in their costumes with make-up. However students of Sr. Kg should come dressed in their school uniform.

  • The students of Playgroup & Nursery should be dropped off by the parents and handed over to the class teachers directly at St.Andrew’s auditorium at 1:45 pm, dressed in their costumes with make-up.

  • All the students should wear the school socks and black school shoes for the Annual Day.

  • No eatables or drinks are allowed inside the auditorium. Parents can avail of the canteen facility when they come for the show. Snacks will be provided to the students by the school.

  • The school has arranged for professionals to record and photograph the event. If you wish to click pictures yourself, kindly do so without leaving your seats, as it may disturb the performance and the audience.

  • At the end of the show, kindly pay attention to the dispersal announcements made in the auditorium and collect your child from the designated area. The children will be handed over to  you only at the end of the show.

  • Please do not enter the backstage area at any time during or after the show.

Kindly co-operate with the school staff to make the show a grand success. We look forward to welcoming you at the Annual Day.


Our Best,

Authorized Personnel

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